
Showing posts from February, 2021

Are we there yet

  Are we there yet “Mumm are we there yet,” I said in a bored voice.  “No we just have 8-9 hours,” mum said.  “Uhh we left at nine in the morning,” I said IN angrily, voice fixing the phone. “where are we going?” I asked. “We are going to Paris to see grandam. “What, that is going to take forever. “ No I am sure it's going to take just a little bit,” mum said in a tired voice. “Mum jack keeps kicking me. “Jack don’t kick your sister. “I am just so bored I have nothing to do.                                                                       2 minutes later “Mum, are we there yet? I asked for the 2 time . “No we only have 5 more hours.                                  3 minutes later  “Are we in Paris now mum.     “ just 2 more hours till we get to grandam. “Ugh it's so hot in here I'm going to die iN here. “Just wind your window down. “ no mum , I don't  want the window down,'' Jack said. “No,I want the window down. “Oh will yours be too quiet for ones mum